Collectible Home Decor and Fine Home Displays
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Plate Lists
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Bessie Gutmann Plates
Bing & Grondhal Plates
Donald Zolan Plates
Edna Hibel Plates
Gregory Perillo Plates
Jody Bergsma Plates
John Wayne Plates
Marilyn Monroe Plates
Marty Bell Plates
Movies & Star Plates
More Reco Artists
Other Artists
Norman Rockwell
Royal Copenhagen
Sandra Kuck Angels
Sandra Kuck Children
Terry Redlin Plates

*Plate Categories*

Bird, Fowl & Rooster
Cat - Small & Big
Car, Boat & Train
Children Plates
Christmas Plates
Circus & Clown Plates
Commemorative Plates
Dog & Wolf
Farm Animal
Flower & Landscape
Horse & Pony
Hot Air Balloon
Legend, Tale&Rhyme
Mother Day Plates
Native American Plates
Asian Art Plate
Star Trek & Star Wars
Wildlife Art

Website News
Newsletter Archives
Horses, Ponies, Unicorns, Pegasus,
& Farm Animal Art Collectible Plates

What's On This Page:
Champion Thoroughbreds | Fairyland | Fantasy Cookbook | Fred Stone Classics | Kings of The Roost | Kingdom of Enchantment | Nobel and Free | Majestic Spirits | Majesty of the Unicorns | Patience |Round Up | Sport of Kings|Studio Collector Plates | The Horses of Fred Stone | The Magical World of Legends & Myths | Thoroughbreds | Trevor's Farm Friends |Ultimate Nobel Animals | Unbridled Spirits | Unicorns of The Four Seasons | War Ponies of the Plains | Warrior's Pride

Unicorns In A Dreamer's Garden
by Charlotte & William Hallett
6.5" Diameter
Hutschenreuther - Unicorns In A Dreamer's Garden - Charlotte & William Hallett
The Touch of A Dream
Qty Needed
Hutschenreuther - Unicorns In A Dreamer's Garden - Charlotte & William Hallett
The Sight of Wonders
Qty Needed

Hutschenreuther - Unicorns In A Dreamer's Garden - Charlotte & William Hallett
The Smell of Roses
Qty Needed

Hutschenreuther - Unicorns In A Dreamer's Garden - Charlotte & William Hallett
The Sound of Melodies
Qty Needed

Hutschenreuther - Unicorns In A Dreamer's Garden - Charlotte & William Hallett
The Taste of Sweetness
Qty Needed

Majesty of The Unicorns
Princeton Gallery

Unicorn of The Sea
Unicorn of The Sea
Qty Needed


The Magical World
of Legends and Myths
by Jack Shalatain
8.25" Diameter
Magical World of Legend and Myths - Jack Shalatain
A Mother's Love
Qty Needed
Magical World of Legend and Myths - Jack Shalatain
Flight of
The Pegasus
Qty Needed

Magical World of Legend and Myths - Jack Shalatain
In The Stars
Qty Needed

Magical World of Legend and Myths - Jack Shalatain
Dreams of Pegasus
Qty Needed

Magical World of Legend and Myths - Jack Shalatain
The Awakening
Qty Needed

Magical World of Legend and Myths - Jack Shalatain
Dawn of Romance
Please Inquire
About Availability

Magical World of Legend and Myths - Jack Shalatain
Flight Into Paradise
Please Inquire
About Availability

The Fantasy Cookbook
by Hildebrandt
Christian Fantasy

The Fantasy Cookbook - Hildebrandt

Magical Lagoon
Please Inquire
About Availability

Kingdom of Enchantment
by Mimi Jobe
8.25" Diameter
Bradford Exchange
Kingdom of Enchantment - Mimi Jobe - Moonlit Magic
Moonlit Magic
Qty Needed

Kingdom of Enchantment - Mimi Jobe - Moonlit Manor
Moonlit Manor
Qty Needed

Kingdom of Enchantment - Mimi Jobe - Moonlight Repose
Moonlight Repose
Qty Needed

Kingdom of Enchantment - Mimi Jobe - Moonbeam Bouquet
Moonbeam Bouquet
Qty Needed

Kingdom of Enchantment - Mimi Jobe - Moonlight Wonder
Moonlight Wonder
Qty Needed

Kingdom of Enchantment - Mimi Jobe - Moonbeam trails
Moonbeam Trails
Qty Needed

by Mimi Jobe
8.25" Diameter
Bradford Exchange
Trails of Starlight - Fairyland - Mimi Jobe
Trails of Starlight
Qty Needed

Silver Splashes - Fairyland - Mimi Jobe
Silver Splashes
Qty Needed

Twilight Trio - Fairyland - Mimi Jobe
Twilight Trio
Qty Needed

Magical Mischief - Fairyland - Mimi Jobe
Magical Mischief
Qty Needed

Glistening Reflections - Fairyland - Mimi Jobe
Glistening Reflections
Qty Needed

Dazzling Beginnings - Fairyland - Mimi Jobe
Dazzling Beginnings
Qty Needed

Forest Enchantment - Fairyland - Mimi Jobe
Forest Enchantment
Qty Needed

Farewell To The Night - Fairyland - Mimi Jobe
Farewell To The Night
Qty Needed

Unicorn of The Four Seasons
Michele Livingston
Stratford Collection

Unicorn of The Four Seasons - Michele Livingston - Unicorn In Winter
Unicorn In Winter
Qty Needed

Round Up
Miniature Plates
by Chris Cummings
Hadley House / Wild Wings
4.5 inch diameter

Round-up Mini Plate Collection - Chris Cummings
Set of Four Mini Plates

Qty Needed

Mini Plate Rail Available on Our Plate Rack & Rail Page

Studio Collector Plates
by Chris Cummings
Hadley House / Wild Wings
Thunder Ridge Lightening - Chris Cummings
Thunder Ridge Lightning
9.25 inch diameter
Please Inquire
About Availability

Thunder Ridge Storm Front - Chris Cummings
Thunder Ridge Storm Front
9.25 inch diameter
Please Inquire
About Availability

Thunder Ridge - Chris Cummings
Thunder Ridge
9.25 inch diameter
Please Inquire
About Availability

Playtime - Horses - Chris Cummings
Playtime - Horses
8.25 inch diameter
Qty Needed

Studio Collector Plates
by Persis Clayton Weirs
Hadley House / Wild Wings

Taste of Spring - Mother and  baby  - Horse and foul
A Taste of Spring
9.25 inch diameter
Qty Needed

Unbridled Spirit
by Chuck DeHann
8.25" Diameter
Hamilton Collection
Moonlight Maesty - Chuck DeHann - Unbridled Spirits
Moonlight Majesty
Qty Needed

Surf Dancer -  Chuck DeHann - Unbridled Spirits
Surf Dancer

Qty Needed

Warrior's Pride
by Chuck DeHann
8.25" Diameter
Hamilton Collection

Warrior's Pride - Chuck DeHann - Blackfoot War Pony
Blackfoot War Pony
Please Inquire
About Availability

Nobel and Free
by Susie Morton
8.25" Diameter
Danbury Mint

Nobel and Free - Susie Morton
Chosen Champion
Qty Needed

Champion Thoroughbred
by Susie Morton
8.25" Diameter
Danbury Mint
Race Horse - Champion Thoroughbreds - Susie Morton
Qty Needed

Race Horse - Champion Thoroughbreds - Susie Morton
Qty Needed

Race Horse - Champion Thoroughbreds - Susie Morton
Seattle Slew
Qty Needed

Race Horse - Champion Thoroughbreds - Susie Morton
Qty Needed

Race Horse - Champion Thoroughbreds - Susie Morton
Man O' War
Qty Needed

Race Horse - Champion Thoroughbreds - Susie Morton
Qty Needed

Race Horse - Champion Thoroughbreds - Susie Morton
Qty Needed

Race Horse - Champion Thoroughbreds - Susie Morton
Please Inquire
About Availability

The Horses of Fred Stone
by Fred Stone
9.25" Diameter
Modern Masters Ltd.

The Horses of Fred Stone - Arabian Mare and Foal
Arabian Mare & Foal
Qty Needed

by Fred Stone
American Artist
6.5 inch Diameter

Patience - Fred Stone
Single Issue
Qty Needed

Fred Stone Classics
by Fred Stone
10.25" Diameter
American Artist

Fred Stone Classics - The Shoe - 8000 Wins - Bill Shoemaker
"The Shoe - 8000 Wins"
Bill Shoemaker
Qty Needed

Sport of Kings
by Fred Stone
10.25" Diameter
Race Horses
American Artist

Man O' War - Race Horse - Sport of Kings - Fred Stone
Man O' War
The Final thunder

Qty Needed

Race Horse
by Gregory Perillo
9 1/4" Diameter
Thoroughbreds - Gregory Peillo
Qty Needed

Thoroughbreds - Gregory Peillo
Qty Needed

Thoroughbreds - Gregory Peillo
Qty Needed

Thoroughbreds - Gregory Peillo
Man O' War
Qty Needed

War Ponies of the Plains
Native American Indian Pony
by Gregory Perillo
8.25" Diameter
War Ponies of The Plain  -    Nez Perce War  Pony  - Gregory Perillo
Gentle Warrior
Nez Perce War Pony
Qty Needed

War Ponies of The Plain  -  Cheyenne War Pony - Gregory Perillo
Cheyenne War Pony
Qty Needed

War Ponies of The Plain  -  Pawnee War Pony - Gregory Perillo
Pawnee War Pony
Qty Needed

War Ponies of The Plain  -    Blackfoot War Pony - Gregory Perillo
Proud Companion
Blackfoot War Pony
Qty Needed

War Ponies of The Plain  -  Sioux War Pony - Gregory Perillo
Sioux War Pony
Qty Needed

War Ponies of The Plain  -  Crow War Pony - Gregory Perillo
Free Spirit
Crow War Pony
Qty Needed

War Ponies of The Plain  -   Arapaho War Pony - Gregory Perillo
Prairie Prancer
Arapaho War Pony
Qty Needed

War Ponies of The Plain  -   Comanche War Pony - Gregory Perillo
Sun Dancer
Comanche War Pony
Qty Needed

For More Gregory Perillo Plates visit our Gregory Perillo Page

Majestic Spirits
Horses by Gregory Perillo
Reco International
Majestic Spiritis - Nobel Spirit - Horse & Pony - Gregory Perillo
Nobel Spirit
9 1/2 inches
Qty Needed

Majestic Spirits - Horse & Pony - Gregory Perillo
Freedom's Thunder
Please Inquire
About Availability
Majestic Spirits - Horse & Pony - Gregory Perillo
Nature's Might
Please Inquire
About Availability

For more Gregory Perillo plates, see his plate gallery page, or search our Artist List for plates not contained in the galleries.

Ultimate Nobel Animals
by Trevor and Kimberly Swanson
Farm Horse
Ultimate Nobel Animals - Fall Family  - Trevor Swanson
Fall Family
Please Inquire
About Availability

Ultimate Nobel Animals - Old Ranch Hands - Trevor Swanson
Old Ranch Hands
Please Inquire
About Availability

Trevor's Farm Friends
by Trevor Swanson
8.25" Diameter
Rollie The Rooster - Farm Animals - Trevor Swanson
Rollie The Rooster
Qty Needed

Cow- Farm Animals - Trevor Swanson
Catie The Cow
Qty Needed

Goat - Farm Animals  - Trevor Swanson
Gerrie the Goat
Qty Needed

Pig - Farm Animals  - Trevor Swanson
Paulie the Pig
Qty Needed

Kings of the Roost
Roosters by Trevor Swanson
Rooster Plate
8.25" Diameter
Rooster Plate - Trevor Swanson
White Leghorn
Please Inquire
About Availability

Silver Penciled Rock Plate - Trevor Swanson - Rooster Plate - Kings of The Roost - Islandia
Silver Penciled Rock
Please Inquire
About Availability

Rooster Plate - Trevor Swanson
Buff Orphington

Please Inquire
About Availability

Rooster Plate - Trevor Swanson  - Kings of The Roost - Rhode Island Red
Rhode Island Red
Please Inquire
About Availability

See our bird, cat and dog sections for more Trevor Swanson domesticated animals. You can find his Natural Wildlife Plates on our Wildlife Art page.

Champion Thoroughbreds | Fairyland | Fantasy Cookbook | Fred Stone Classics | Kings of The Roost | Kingdom of Enchantment | Nobel and Free | Majestic Spirits | Majesty of the Unicorns | Patience |Round Up | Sport of Kings|Studio Collector Plates | The Horses of Fred Stone | The Magical World of Legends & Myths | Thoroughbreds | Trevor's Farm Friends |Ultimate Nobel Animals | Unbridled Spirits | Unicorns of The Four Seasons | War Ponies of the Plains | Warrior's Pride

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