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Gregory Perillo Art
Collectible Plate

What's On This Page:
American Indian Heritage | Chieftains | Council of Nations | Indian Princesses | Mother's Love | Other Perillo Plates | Perillo Christmas | Pride of America's Indians | Proud Young Spirits | Special Issues | The Little Professionals | Young Chieftain | Artist's Profile

Portraits By Perillo Collection
4.5 inch Diameter

Bright Sky Miniature Plate
Qty Needed

Special IssueS
by Gregory Perillo
10.25" Diameter
Apache Girl  - Gregory Perillo
Apache Girl
Living American Artists
Qty Needed

Navajo Girl - Gregory Perillo
Navajo Girl
Vague Shadows
Qty Needed

Navajo Boy - Gregory Perillo
Navajo Boy
Vague Shadows
Qty Needed

Apache Boy - Gregory Perillo
Apache Boy
Vague Shadows
Qty Needed

by Gregory Perillo
10.25 inch Diamter
Chief Sitting Bull - Chieftains - Gregory Perillo Plate
Chief Sitting Bull
Qty Needed

Chief Crazy Horse - Chieftains - Gregory Perillo Plate
Chief Crazy Horse

Qty Needed

Chief Victorio - Chieftains - Gregory Perillo Plate
Chief Victorio
Qty Needed

Chief Geronimo Chieftains - Gregory Perillo Plate
Chief Geronimo
Qty Needed

Chief Cochise - Chieftains - Gregory Perillo Plate
Chief Cochise
Qty Needed

Chief Joseph - Chieftains - Gregory Perillo Plate
Chief Joseph
Qty Needed

Chief Pontiac - Chieftains - Gregory Perillo Plate
Chief Pontiac
Qty Needed

Chief Tecumseh - Chieftains - Gregory Perillo Plate
Chief Tecumseh
Qty Needed

Cheif Black Kettle
Qty Needed

Chief Red Cloud - Chieftains - Gregory Perillo Plate
Chief Red Cloud
Qty Needed

Proud Young Spirits
by Gregory Perillo
8.5 inch Diameter
Proud Young Spirits - Gregory Perillo Plates
Protector of The Plains
Qty Needed
Proud Young Spirits - Gregory Perillo Plates
Loyal Guardian
Qty Needed

Proud Young Spirits - Gregory Perillo Plates
Watchful Eyes
Qty Needed

Proud Young Spirits - Gregory Perillo Plates
Freedom's Watch
Qty Needed

Proud Young Spirits - Gregory Perillo Plates
Woodland Scouts
Qty Needed

Proud Young Spirits - Gregory Perillo Plates
Prairie Pals
Qty Needed
Proud Young Spirits - Gregory Perillo Plates
Fast Friends
Qty Needed

America's Indian Heritage
by Gregory Perillo
8.5 inch Diameter
America's Indian Heritage - Gregory Perillo Plate
Cheyenne Nation
Qty Needed

America's Indian Heritage - Gregory Perillo Plate
Crow Nation
Qty Needed

America's Indian Heritage - Gregory Perillo Plate
Chippewa Nation
Qty Needed

America's Indian Heritage - Gregory Perillo Plate
Arapaho Nation
Qty Needed

American Indian Heritage - Gregory Perillo Plate
Blackfoot Nation
Qty Needed

American Indian Heritage - Gregory Perillo Plate
Sioux Nation
Qty Needed

American Indian Heritage - Gregory Perillo Plate
Kiowan Nation
Qty Needed

American Indian Heritage - Gregory Perillo Plate
Nez-Perce Nation
Qty Needed

Young Chieftain
by Gregory Perillo
9.25 inch Diameter

Young Joseph - Gregory Perillo  Plate - Young Chieftains
Young Joseph
Qty Needed

Pride of America's Indians
by Gregory Perillo
8.5 inch Diameter
Pride of The American Indians - Gregory Perillo Plate
Loyal Alliance
Qty Needed

Pride of The American Indians - Gregory Perillo Plate
Kindred Spirits
Qty Needed

Pride of The American Indians - Gregory Perillo Plate
Peaceful Comrades
Qty Needed

Pride of The American Indians - Gregory Perillo Plate
Small and Wise
Qty Needed

Pride of The American Indians - Gregory Perillo Plate
Nobel Companions
Qty Needed

Pride of The American Indians - Gregory Perillo Plate
Brave and Free
Qty Needed

Pride of The American Indians - Gregory Perillo Plate
Winter Scouts
Qty Needed

Pride of The American Indians - Gregory Perillo Plate
Dark Eyed Friends
Qty Needed

Council of Nations
by Gregory Perillo
8.5 inch Diameter
Council of Nations - Gregory Perillo Plate
Pride of the Cheyenne
Qty Needed

Council of Nations - Gregory Perillo Plate
Wisdom of the Cherokee
Qty Needed

Council of Nations - Gregory Perillo Plate
Boldness of the Seneca
Qty Needed

Council of Nations - Gregory Perillo Plate
Strength of the Sioux
Qty Needed

Courage of the Arapaho
Courage Of The Arapaho Nation
Qty Needed
Dignity of the nez Perce
Dignity of the Nez Perce Nation
Qty Needed
Nobility of the algonquin
Nobility of The Algonquin Nation
Qty Needed
Power of the Blackfoot nation
Power of the Blackfoot Nation
Qty Needed

Perillo Christmas
by Gregory Perillo
9 .25 inch Diameter
Perillo Christmas - Shining Star - Gregory  Perillo
Shining Star
Qty Needed

Perillo Christmas - Silent Night - Gregory Perillo
Silent Light
Qty Needed

Perillo Chrismtas - Christmas Journey - Gregory Perillo
Christmas Journey

Qty Needed

Perillo Christmas - Snow Flake - Gregory Perillo Plate
Snow Flake

Qty Needed

Mother's Love
by Gregory Perillo
9 .25 inch Diameter

Mother's Love - Gregory Perillo Plate
Little Shadow
Qty Needed

Indian "Princess" Series
by Gregory Perillo
8.5 inch Diameter
Minnehaha - Indian  Princess Series - Gregory Perillo Plate

Qty Needed

Lily of the Mohawks - Indian  Princess Series - Gregory Perillo Plate
Lily of The Mohawks
Qty Needed

Pocahontas - Indian  Princess Series - Gregory Perillo Plate
Qty Needed

Sacajawea - Indian  Princess Series - Gregory Perillo Plate
Qty Needed

Special Issue
by Gregory Perillo
10.25 inch Diameter

Papoose - Gregory Perillo Plate
Qty Needed

The Little Professionals
by Gregory Perillo
8.5 inch Diameter
The Little Professionals - Gregory Perillo - Rodeo Joe
Rodeo Joe
Qty Needed

Ballerina's Dilemma - Gregory Perillo Plate  - The Little Professionals
Ballerina's Dilemma
Qty Needed

Other Perillo Plates
by Gregory Perillo
8.5 inch Diameter
Madre - Motherhood Series - Gregory Perillo Plate
Motherhood Series

Qty Needed

A Time To Be Born - March of Dimes - Gregory Perillo Plate
A Time to Be Born
March of Dimes Plate
8.5 inch Diameter


Qty Needed

Nature Girl - Companion Series - Gregory Perillo Plate
Nature Girl
Companion Series
8 .25 inch Diameter

Kerns Collectibles

Qty Needed

For More Gregory Perillo Plates find him on the Artist List. You will also find his horses on the Horses page

The Artist: Gregory Perillo

Artist's Profile: Gregory Perillo

Gregory Perillo was born in 1929, in Greenwich Village, New York. He is a painter and sculptor whose style combines realism with impressionism.

Gregory has been awarded numerous honors. His work can be found in The Denver Museum of Natural History, The Pettigrew Museum (Sioux Falls, South Dakota), The Museum of the North American Indian (Marathon, Florida), The Butler Institute of American Art (Youngstown, Ohio), and Saint Michael's College (Santa Fe, New Mexico).

The Plate Lady of Tampa Bay is horored to be able to offer our gift shopping customers these magnificent porcelain reproductions of Gregory Perillo's art work. We also carry a limited number of plates that display his talent for nature art on our Horse and Wildlife Art Plates pages.

When Gregory Perillo was a young child, his father frequently took him to museums and told him stories about the American West, encouraging his son to share his love of art and American history. At the age of 10, he began to draw pictures of many of the stories his father told him.

Later Gregory enrolled briefly in art school and then joined the Navy in 1944. He served for two years on the U.S.S. Storm King and during that time he was assigned as a cartoonist. Following that he studied at Pratt Institute, The School of Visual Arts, and with the Art Students League

In 1950 he met William Leigh, whose work Perillo had seen at the Grand Central Galleries in New York. Perillo spent the next five years, until Leigh's death in 1955, studying with him.

In the 1970's Gregory began sculpting and ultimately completed about 30 pieces. Then in 1990, American Express commissioned him to paint over fifty oils and to sculpt two huge bronzes for its world headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. His work is also displayed in the corporate headquarters of AT&T in Baskin Ridge, New Jersey; the Governor's mansion in Albany, New York; and at the University of New Mexico.

Gregory Perillo now lives on Staten Island, but he makes frequent trips West to refresh his vision. He was one of the first western artists to combine portraits of animals and humans on canvas; in fact he does all facets of the American West including wildlife.

He captures the fascinating saga of the American Indian and his brave heritage in a highly skillful style that vividly portrays a colorful chapter in American history.

For more Native-American Indian plates:
Visit our Native-American Art Plate gallery page.

American Indian Heritage | Chieftains | Council of Nations | Indian Princesses | Mother's Love | Other Perillo Plates | Perillo Christmas | Pride of America's Indians | Proud Young Spirits | Special Issues | The Little Professionals | Young Chieftain | Artist's Profile

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