Collectible Home Decor and Fine Home Displays
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Plate & Platter Hangers, Plate Rails, Cup & Saucer Racks

How To Correctly Measure for Plate, Platter and Bowl Wire Hangers

To Measure Your Platter, Plate or Bowl for the correct hanger size, measure across the BACK of the object from the top edge to the bottom edge.

This will take into consideration the depth of the platter, plate or bowl. Most hangers stretch from top to bottom across the back, so depth is a consideration when determining the 'diameter' size of the correct hanger.

Many plate hangers will work for bowls and platters, if the measurements are taken in this way.

However, adjustments may need to be made to the part of the hanger that attaches to the wall. If the depth is greater that 2 - 3 inches, the bottom of your bowl will hang closer to the wall than the part of the hanger that attaches to the wall, so the wire may need to be gently bent to allow the hanger to meet the wall for a secure fit.

Heavy duty hangers are needed for plates weighing more than 2 - 3 pounds. Although heavy duty hangers might work for plates and bowl that weigh more than 6 pounds, it is not recommended because the wire might sag and the springs might stretch out of shape.

Vinyl covering, where the hanger metal meets the edges of the plate or bowl, is important so that the edges do not become scratched or rub marked while applying and/or adjusting the hanger.

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